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Periodontology is a part of dentistry that examines the anatomy, physiology and histology of soft and hard tissues such as bones and gums surrounding teeth and implants; It is the science that investigates the diseases that occur in these tissues and provides the treatment of these diseases and insures the continuity of the health obtained as a result of the treatment.
Periodontal diseases are localized chronic infections affecting the alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and gingiva, which are the supporting tissues of teeth and implants, and they cause tooth loss if left untreated. 

There are many types of periodontal diseases;

  • Gingivitis

Usually associated with bacterial plaque on the gingiva and subsequent formation of calculus. It is characterized by bleeding in the gums, flushing and edema.

  • Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontal Diseases

NUG (Necrotizing Gingivitis) and NUP (Necrotiz-ing Periodontitis) are often diagnosed diseases. They are especially diseases caused by anaerobic pathogens due to immune deficiency and / or inadequate oral hygiene. The symptoms of NUP are bleeding and pain in the gums. It is more common in young patients. Gums become red and ulcer areas show in the form of thin white lines.

  • Chronic Periodontitis

Chronic periodontis is a disease where gingivitis has spread to deeper tissues and the depths of the pockets are over 2-3 mm due to losses in the supporting bone tissue. When it progresses, gingival recession, tenderness, tooth swaying and tooth loss may occur.

  • Aggressive Periodontitis

Localized and Generalized. If it is genetically inherited and not treated, rapid destruction of the gums and bone tissue occurs in a short period of time (starts at the age of 20 and multiple tooth loss occurs at the age of 30). Localized aggressive periodontitis occurs mostly in young individuals.

  • Peri-implant diseases

Inadequate oral hygiene post-implant results in complications such as mild recession after severe implant treatments. Periodontal tissues are affected by many conditions such as drug use, trauma, systemic diseases, pregnancy and adolescence. In addition to the above-mentioned gum diseases and abscesses can be seen. Gum health means oral health, oral health means body health. There are different treatments for each gum disease.