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Diagnosis and Imaging Techniques

Diagnosis and Imaging Techniques

Radiography is an imaging technique using X-rays, gamma rays, or similar ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation to view the internal form of an object. Applications of radiography include medical radiography and industrial radiography.

  • Intraoral radiographs
  • Panoramic Radiography
  • Computed 3D Tomography
  • Cephalometry, 
  • Postero-Anterior Radiography, 
  • Hand-Wrist Radiographs
  • Temporomandibular Joint (Jaw Joint) Radiograph

  • Intraoral radiographs

Concerning small areas; periapical radiography and occlusal radiography. This technique is preferred to determine in detail how much damage the tooth and its surrounding tissue endured, if so, after canal treatment, bone loss and the presence of decayed teeth may be present. In our clinic, fixed and mobile radiography devices are easily accessible by every doctor to determine whether or not the tooth has been damaged.

  • Panoramic Radiography

This x-ray of the lower and upper jaws can help us define all teeth and jaw bones problems, caries, required canal treatment, restorations, as well as wisdom teeth positioning. We can also detect cysts, tumors and jaw fractures due to this advanced imaging technique.

  • Computed 3D Tomography

In contrast to panoramic film, in dentistry, this technique provides us with a 3-dimensional 3D and detailed visualization of structures such as cysts, tumors, implant site, jaw joints. The 3D image helps us to correctly position the areas where the implants will be placed and reduces the risk of errors.

  • Cephalometry, PosteroAnterior Radiography, Hand-Wrist and Temporomandibular Joint (Jaw Joint) Radiography

Nowadays, with the development of technology, we have increased the quality and endurance of our treatments with the help of various radiographic techniques. Before the treatment of our patients, we ensure that we use the necessary radiography techniques available in our clinic to understand our patient’s condition before we proceed with the treatment. 
Various radiographic methods are used in orthodontic treatment practices. In the light of the developments in computer and information technologies, digital methods are more preferred today, these are but not limited to;

  • Cephalometry
Cephalometric radio-graphs are commonly used for the diagnosis and planning of the orthodontic treatment. And that is to understand the growth and development patterns of patients, to determine the stage of growth and to interpret treatment results.

  • Postero-Anterior Radiography
Postero-anterior radiography is a diagnostic tool that provides information about the vertical ratios of craniofacial complex (head-face region) and oral structures with head width, symmetry.

  • Hand-Wrist Radiographs
Hand-wrist radio-graphs are generally used to evaluate Skeletal development. Finger joints are examined and the skeletal growth stage of the patient is determined, only then the dentist prepares a treatment plan accordingly.

  • Temporomandibular Joint (Jaw Joint) Radiographs
Temporomandibular Joint (Jaw Joint) Radiograph, The jaw joint is the joint that connects our lower jaw to the skull. Jaw joint teeth clamping, impact, traffic accidents, damage, deviation, deflection (right/left deviation), clicking and crepitation sounds (rattling) and limitation of mouth opening during joint opening point to joint problems. This radiography method, which provides a more detailed examination of the jaw joints, is also applied in our clinic.